5 Ways to Keep Learning Alive During the Summer Break

5 Ways to Keep Learning Alive During the Summer Break. A boy and his mother look at a laptop. Gold background with faded WordQ Q.

If you asked ThoughtQ (our built-in topic prediction service within WordQ) what terms it would associate with summer, it would output a list of 75 words. Some of these are predictable: games, popularity, season, sports, arrival. Some are a little bit more unconventional: Broadway, New Zealand, broadcasting. However, at the risk of highlighting a potential flaw in our algorithm, one term is conspicuously missing: learning.

Yes, summertime has been associated with a lot of things. From the long days to the sunny weather and beyond. But with most kids (and adults for that matter) out of school, learning is not exactly at the front of everyone's mind. Honestly, that's how it should be. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. However, just because you are having fun doesn't mean the learning has to stop. If you play your cards right, you can even have fun while learning. Here are five ways to keep learning alive throughout the summer.

1: Write Poetry

Need a moment of inspiration to write? Summer is a wonderful time to get the creative juices flowing! Write poetry about the flora, the fauna, the weather, the community. Summer has served as a muse to many poets over the centuries.

2: Take on a Summer Reading Challenge

Why not try and read a book a week? Or a book a month? Heck, maybe you're the type who can get through a book a day! Whatever the case, setting achievable reading goals is a great way to pass the time.

3: Get a Head Start on Next Year

Imagine you were in a race, and your friends all had to start at the starting line, but you got to start in the middle. That is what happens when you get a head start on your studies. So, if you want to lighten the load over the school year, getting an early start on the readings can go a long way.

4: Discuss Themes... Wherever They May Pop-Up

Who said literacy was solely confined to the pages of a book? One of the amazing things about literary themes is that they can be found across a variety of media. So, whether you are watching a movie, taking in Shakespeare in the park, or playing an action-adventure video game, why not take a few moments to pause and reflect on some of the themes you can find!

5: Never Stop Learning

Ok, so maybe this one isn't so much a way of learning as it is a piece of advice. However, whether you are 15 or 50, there is always something new to learn. So, never stop learning, and if you need help, Nisai Quillsoft is there. After all, supporting lifelong learners is our whole M.O.

These are five ways you can help keep learning alive over the summer break. However, there are many others out there waiting to be discovered. If you have any, please share!


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