Find out what Units of Sound can do for you. A short introduction to the main features.
See how the Reading program takes you from a single Unit of Sound through to paragraphs.
Spelling & Writing
See how spelling develops from single words through to phrases and sentences to writing paragraphs.
Features Include
Units of Sound is online so you don’t have to load a program on to your computer or network. Online access gives you maximum flexibility to work in school or college, at home, in a library, anywhere with internet access.
Separate placement for reading and spelling
The student is placed on the reading and spelling programme separately according to ability; this means you are working at the right level with built in checking systems to monitor progress.
Personalized learning
The programme is highly personalized meaning no two students will be working at the same level or pace; so from 3 letter words to adult reading, Units of Sound fits a range of needs.
Voice recording and playback
To aid pronunciation, self assessment and focus, the student records their own voice reading and listens back. A simple but effective aspect of the program. Great for students whose first language is not English.
Revisiting is the model of how we learn: a little bit at a time. Revisiting words and sounds again and again, over many lessons, but with a little something different each time, is the essential learning model for Units of Sound.
Screen Tutor
Short videos are built into the programme to help students if they get stuck; from the Welcome Screen through to Dictation, each screen tutor explains what to do and how to do it.
Your Library
At your finger tips is a comprehensive library containing everything you will need, from good practice checklists, to resources and certificates that help reward achievement.
A designated Help site built into the program designed to provide easy access to everything you need to know about Units of Sound. It includes Help for tutors, technicians and parents.